Invest in Main Street West Branch
Maintain our history, sustain our future.
When you give to Main Street West Branch, you give to a mission for seeing businesses, development, community, families and the economy grow in our small historic Iowa town. We can't wait to have you join us!
Main Street West Branch has a vision that West Branch will thrive with an eclectic mix of old and new as a desirable visitor’s destination and a place of hometown pride that shows in the vibrant downtown & unique offerings.
The Main Street program works to improve the social and economic well being of our community & the historic downtown by:
Preserving and sharing our history and unique identity.
Attracting and supporting small businesses.
Engaging and connecting the community.
We value each business and each individual. Main Street West Branch projects and events are coordinated to create a sense of place and to enhance quality of life. We look to you as business partners, community members and friends to invest in the Main Street West Branch program to foster change and growth in our community.
You can choose the level at which you wish to support our organization! Donate online or in-person at the Main Street West Branch office within the Rummells Center.
Your contributions are tax deductible and will be used towards daily operation, branding, events, downtown beautification, historic preservation, business recruitment and retention, housing development and more. We sincerely appreciate your support in making West Branch a vibrant, strong, and captivating community. We value all volunteer efforts and financial support; at whatever level, you can provide.
Thank you for your support of Main Street West Branch!